Get full access to his profile and hundreds more, for free. Richard henshaw literary agent this article about literary agent richard henshaw and the richard henshaw group is part of a series about literary agents and finding a book agent. He also pioneered in the development of a program designed to quickly convert royalty information generated by numerous e book vendors into simple. Log in or sign up for facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Richard curtis literary agent is a book agent with richard curtis associates. The evolution of the literary agent writers digest. Richard curtis, literary agent what you need to know jericho. For this it helps to learn the authors and books which the agent represents. He discusses literary agencies, rights, money matters, agent clout, movies into books, multibook deals, advances, book clubs, taxes, publication dates, and the matter of fees, royalties and expenses. If youre a bookstore, amazon has been in competition with you for some time. Richard curtis a top literary agent for more than thirty yearsprovides a comprehensive practical overview of the publishing process, from submissions to contract negotiations to subsidiary rights to marketing, publicity, and beyond. After years as a successful author and agent, in 1999 he started. See all books authored by richard curtis, including halloween, and blackadder.
Curtis brown represents adult and childrens authors of all genres, including illustrators. Richard curtis, a top literary agent for more than twentyfive years, provides a comprehensive overview of the publishing process, from submissions to contract negotiations to subsidiary rights to marketing and beyond. Agent details, along with key contact information, can be found in the handbook, an online resource for accessing celebrity contact details. Curtis richards is the pseudonym used by richard curtis, the author of the novelization of halloween. Richard curtis richard curtis associates querytracker.
Richard curtis has been a force in the publishing world for over five decades. Read online or download for free graded reader ebook and audiobook mr bean in town by richard curtis of preintermediate level you can download in epub, mobi, fb2, rtf, txt, mp3. Our free information includes new publishing agents and the best publishing agents at the top publishing agencies. Richard curtis a top literary agent for more than thirty years provides a comprehensive practical overview of the publishing process, from submissions to contract negotiations to subsidiary rights to marketing, publicity, and beyond. Richard curtis, president and ceo of richard curtis associates, inc. Richard curtis was born in wellington, new zealand on thursday, november 8, 1956 baby boomers generation. After graduating, his first taste of publishing came as a foreign rights manager for the scott meredith literary agency. Lisa jewell and gytha lodge selected for winter edition of whsmith richard and judy book club.
Richard curtis was the first president of the independent literary agents association and president of the association of authors representatives. Whos had who by richard curtis, simon bell, helen fielding and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Richard curtis, literary agent what you need to know. Here are 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing. Updated 2112020 i love sharing the weekly agent alerts, because these are the agents who are the. Publishing agent richard henshaw is an agent with the richard henshaw group. He is also the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including several books about the publishing industry. Resources listing literary agents and artists representatives.
His network of business associations and friends allows him to provide a range of responses to any problem property leading to solid sales and happy clients. We are a bunch of book enthusiast who enjoy reading books and writing about them. He also is an excellent literary agent tnly in finding a publisher for books i h. Literary agent alerts are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building his or her client list. Leave comments about your experiences with this literary agent, or read what other. Richard curtis books list of books by author richard curtis. Richard completed his education at the university of wyoming m. How to be your own literary agent ebook by richard curtis. He is a writer and producer, known for love actually 2003, four weddings and a funeral 1994 and about time 20. Richard ranks high in integrity and that matters most for me. Richard curtis, president of richard curtis associates, inc. If you do not reside in the states of california, please go to the find an agent section on to search for another allstate agent or personal financial representative.
Richard curtis owner richard curtis associates literary agency. Literary agencies 20192020 finding a literary agent. We really hope that you will enjoy our little blog. Richard curtis was born on november 8, 1956 in wellington, new zealand as richard whalley anthony curtis. Richard is a leading new york literary agent and wellknown author advocate. Im blessed to represent a core group of successful authors whose advances have held steady or even increased. Are you looking to speak with a representative of richard curtis. How to be your own literary agent takes the mystery out of book publishing for any writer, published or not.
How can i contact richard curtis s management team or agent details. In 1995, book agent richard henshaw formed richard henshaw group llc, where he focuses on popular fiction as well as a wide. Were working harder to grow these authors and develop bigger book ideas. Please refer to our agents page for information about each agent s interests, specific submission requirements and individual email addresses if the agent accepts submissions via mail, please enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope for a response, and return postage if you wish to. For other people named richard curtis, see richard curtis disambiguation. Richard curtis has 84 books on goodreads with 12310 ratings. View richard curtis profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community.
We also handle many genre books that traditionally are more. In this fantastically funny and heartwarming story by richard curtis, scriptwriter of four weddings and a funeral and love actually, its christmas eve and t. Richard henshaw literary agent richard henshaw group. Richard curtis is insurance licensed in the states of california. He is also the author of a novel, short stories, and several books about the publishing industry, and from 1981 to 1992 had a regular column in the science fiction industry. Do not represent stage plays or screenplays, short fictionnonfiction, poetry, childrens books or young adult books. Richard curtis literary agent free directory of book agents. Richard curtis provided service as a real estate agent above and beyond reasonable expectation. This does not list agents, but it may help you find a way to live without oneand the. How to be your own literary agent is the most practical and thorough guide to book publishing for writers. Novels by margaret atwood, lisa taddeo and ann patchett selected for amazons best books of.
Richard curtisa successful literary agent from new york citytells writers what they must know to get published and to not get taken advantage of by agents and publishers. Literary agencies 20192020 finding a literary agent is easy using our list of book agents with all book agents looking for new writers. Richard curtis a top literary agent for more than thirty years provides a comprehensive practical overview of the publishing process, from submissions to. New yorkbased literary agent richard curtis is the founder, owner and president of richard curtis associates, inc. The key factor is whether the agent is a member of the association of authors representatives, which screens its members and requires them to uphold a canon of. Usa literary agencies and literary agents richard curtis. Curtis has been around the publishing business for many years and his commentary shows it. After years as a successful author and agent, in 1999 he started ereads, which specializes in reissuing thousands of previously published titles in electronic format. Amazon rewrites the rules of book publishing the new. Curtis brown is one of the worlds leading literary and talent agencies, representing authors, playwrights, film and television writers and directors, theatre directors and. Richard was a literary agent for one of my authors some years ago. Everyones afraid of amazon, said richard curtis, a longtime agent who is also an e book publisher.
Share richard curtis quotations about books, selling and mistakes. The empty stocking is a brilliantly funny christmas story by richard curtis and rebecca cobb. The complete text of the chapter about agents in my c. It is also useful to state in your query letter why you are approaching a certain agent. He is also the author of a novel, short stories, and several books about the publishing industry, and from 1981 to 1992 had a regular column in the science fiction industry professional fanzine locus. When seeking an agent, it is advisable to target agents who represent books similar to yours. Articles by richard voss, curtis hart, john gleason, stanley rock, peter vankatwyk, alvin walker, john brent, randy nelson, gary ahlskog, and ronald hunsicker. Richard whalley anthony curtis, cbe is an english screenwriter, producer and film director, who was born in new zealand to australian parents. Richard whalley anthony curtis, cbe born 8 november 1956, is a british screenwriter. How to be your own literary agent by richard curtis. You can leave condolences in the guest book, buy sympathy flowers, and pay your respects.
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